Gameness. Relationship. Control.

“GRC Dogsports is a new breed of dog sport. It seeks to celebrate and test not only the dog’s gameness (G), but the relationship (R) with the handler, and the dog’s self control (C).”

“The mission of GRC Dogsports is to provide PEOPLE with the motivation to give their dogs the training they need to thrive in this world, and a healthy place to put all of their natural drives… [we want to] show not just the amazing gameness and relationship, but also the control and teamwork you can achieve through training.”

The 4 athletic sports GRC competes in are Wall Climb, Weight Pull, Slatmill Race, and Spring Pole. There is also a very important obedience element to the training, and you and your dog must pass this Social Responsibility Test in order to compete in the sporting events.
